Monday, August 10, 2015

My Music Monday: Duran Duran

August 10th marks Duran Duran Appreciation Day, a day created several years ago by a Michigan disc jockey because it coincided with his birthday. It is a day that Duranies all over the world have grown to celebrate the 35 years of music this beloved British band has given us. Since today is Duran Duran Appreciation Day and in anticipation of their newest studio album, Paper Gods, releasing next month, I felt it only appropriate to make today's My Music Monday about one of my all time favorite bands.

I have spoken about my love affair with DD a few times on this blog. It all started back in 1984 when I was about 4 or 5 years old and my older sister had the Cinemax/MTV film "As the Lights Go Down" on VHS and we would watch it non-stop. That was when I first laid eyes on the boyishly handsome bass player, John Taylor. I was immediately in love and that crush continues today. There have been many other music loves in my life since then, but DD will always be my first music affair and it still holds strong to this day. Below are a few videos of some of my favorite songs by the band. It really was hard to not just give you their entire catalog, haha. Happy DD Appreciation Day to all my fellow Duranies! Enjoy!

First on the list, is my all time favorite DD song. I actually found the version from that film that started it all. The first time I saw DD was in 2004 with all of the original members back together. I had the flu, but I was not missing this night. I wasn't sure if I'd get to hear my favorite song, but then Simon pulled out that flute and it ended up being one of the best versions I'd ever heard. They have been playing it during their recent shows so I am really hoping when it comes time to tour for Paper Gods, they will leave it in the set list. The original video for this song was definitely a little risque, similar to the "Girls on Film" video. To this day, this song gives me goosebumps. Pure perfection.

Next up is "The Seventh Stranger" from probably my favorite DD album, Seven and the Ragged Tiger. This song just buries itself into my soul to this day. 
When I read John Taylor's autobiography, I loved how he described Simon's ability to just write a song in no time. I chose "New Religion" from my second favorite album, Rio, because it combines all of the elements that make DD so good at what they do. That bass line, those lyrics, Nick's synths and keyboards. It all comes together to create such magic. If you've never seen the VH1 special about this album, I suggest watching it. This album was cutting edge for its time. Nick is pure genius with what he did with the sounds and how they recorded this album. My favorite part of this track, aside from those bass lines, is Simon's vocals layering over each other. 
In 2011, Duran Duran released one of their best albums in a long time entitled All You Need is Now. It was the first time the band teamed up with producer Mark Ronson and he took that band to an all new level but reconnected them with their old sound at the same time. I was fortunate to catch DD early on this tour and saw them at a small venue here in Houston. After that, Simon experienced many issues regarding his voice and we weren't sure if they'd finish the tour let alone if he'd ever recover. Fortunately, he and his voice made a full recovery. My absolute favorite track from that album is "The Man who Stole a Leopard". Everything about it is classic DD. Pure beauty. I found this live version as well, but I couldn't embed it.